Product availability

Products are permitted against individual delivery schemes. Their availability can also be limited to a date range. If a shopper's basket contains a product that breaks an availability rule they will not be able to checkout their order and will be given a warning message telling them of the problem.

Permitting products against a delivery scheme

Delivery schemes are typically created with the "defaultly available on all products" option left checked. This allows all products to be ordered with this delivery scheme. To prevent an individual product being ordered with this delivery scheme change the setting in the product on the "availability" tab. For example you may want to disallow eggs being delivered by courier to national customers.

Limiting availability by dates

Another way of limiting the availability of a product is to enter an "available from" date, an "available to" date or both. Leave these fields blank if you don't want to apply any date restrictions.

See also:

Products overview
Delivery schemes