Product pricing

Products can be priced individually, by weight or by volume.

Priced "each"

By pricing "each" you are simply saying if you buy one of these the charge is exactly this amount. If the product has a weight associated with it then enter it as a guide weight.

NamePriceGuide weightDisplayed name
Jar of strawberry jam £2.25 0.26kg Jar of strawberry jam (260g)
Jar of strawberry jam £2.60 0.32kg Jar of strawberry jam (320g)


Priced "per kg"

To sell products by weight you enter the price per kilogram and a guide weight.

When you sell a product by weight the price can only be estimated when the shopper places their order. The exact price the shopper will pay is calculated when you prepare their order and enter the actual weight.

NamePriceGuide weightEstimated price
Bananas £1.59/kg 0.165 kg £0.26


Multiple guide weights

When a product is sold by weight and shoppers buy it in different sizes, such as meat and cheese, use multiple guide weights. The different sizes will display in a drop-down box so the shopper can choose the size that suits them.

Priced "per litre"

Selling by volume works exactly the same as selling by weight except the unit of measure is £/litre.


Setting the VAT code affects the values shown on the transaction reports.

See also:

Payments and refunds