Extra info explained

To write text associated with a delivery scheme on the delivery page use "extra info".

The delivery page already includes code to display some extra info. To use it add one of the keys listed below in the "extra info" tab of the delivery scheme and set a value.

Extra info keys included on the delivery page

KeyUse to
TITLE give your delivery scheme a customer friendly name. If you don't specify a TITLE the delivery scheme name will be used instead.
DESC give an informative description of the service associated with this delivery scheme. This text appears above the delivery slots or grid.
DESC2 provide further information after the list of delivery slots or grid
NOSLOTS display an alternative message when there are no delivery/collection slots to display. If a delivery scheme does not have this extra info key then the default message will display. Typically this is 'Fully Booked - please try again tomorrow' and can be found/changed in the template part named 'NoSlotsMessage' in your theme.

Extra info key in the delivery block

KeyUse to
BLOCK give your delivery scheme a short customer friendly name. If you don't specify a BLOCK title the word 'delivery' or 'collection' will be used instead.

Adding your own extra info keys

If you want to add further keys you will need to write associated code on the page for it to be displayed.

Code to write extra info to a page

{{ DeliveryScheme.ExtraInfo.TOWN.Safe }}

Test if an extra info key exists before writing the value to the page

{% If DeliveryScheme.ExtraInfo.TOWN %}{{ DeliveryScheme.ExtraInfo.TOWN.Safe }}{% EndIf %}}

Display something else if an extra info key does not exist

{% If DeliveryScheme.ExtraInfo.TOWN %}
    {{ DeliveryScheme.ExtraInfo.TOWN.Safe }}
{% Else %}
    {{ DeliveryScheme.Name }}
{% EndIf %}}

See also:

Ordering lists
Template language