Pluralise method (number)

Returns a plural suffix if this number is not equal to 1.


number.Pluralise(singularSuffix, pluralSuffix)

Returns the plural suffix if number is not 1, otherwise the singular suffix.

pluralSuffix: The text value returned when number is not equal to 1.
singularSuffix: The text value returned when number equals 1.

If not specified, the default pluralSuffix is 's' and the default singularSuffix is '' (empty text).


{% Var apples = 7 %}
{% Var squashes = 1 %}
{% Var cherries = 4 %}

I have {{ apples }} apple{{ apples.Pluralise }}.
I have {{ squashes }} squash{{ squashes.Pluralise('es') }}.
I have {{ cherries }} cherr{{ cherries.Pluralise('y', 'ies') }}.