
There are four different types of elements that can be used to construct your pages.


A variable looks like: {{ variableOrExpression }}.

For example: {{ variableName }} or {{ CurrentDate.ToText('dddd') }}.


Tags are more complex than variables and most are used to control the flow of the page.

A tag looks like {% tagName %}. Some tags require closing tags.

For example: {% Include 'templatePartName' %} or {% If CurrentDate.Month.Equals(1) %}It's January!{% EndIf %}.


Comments allow annotation in the template that will not be included when rendered.

A comment looks like {# This is a comment. #}.

Forced text

Forced text allows for text that would normally be processed as template syntax to be rendered as is.

A forced text looks like {@ Text to be rendered out as is. @}.

For example: {@ This variable will not be processed: {{ myVariable }}. @}.